Content Technology Developer Job-Wiley - JOB WEB PORTAL

Aug 2, 2021

Content Technology Developer Job-Wiley

Content Technology Developer Job-Wiley

Location: California, USA

Company: Wiley

Job Position: Content Technology Developer 



Education & Experience

  1. B.S. in Engineering, Computer Science, or a related field

  2. GPA 3.2 or above
  3. Excellent attention to detail
  4. Strong written and verbal communication skills
  5. Outstanding interpersonal skills
  6. Excellent problem solver
  7. Highly reliable and methodical
  8. Some coding experience a plus
  9. Able to learn Javascript, Python, and web technologies

Job Responsibility:

  1. Creating, revising, and reviewing online learning content, including implementing animations and automatically graded homework problems according to authors' specs

  2. Creating mappings of our textbook content to match instructors' syllabi
  3. Managing our content release process
  4. Coordinating and troubleshooting with engineering as issues arise
  5. Coordinating with fulfillment and sales enablement
  6. Providing technical and content support to college instructors and students as well as to authors
  7. Helping to develop various software tools like simulators or content-creation automation
  8. Providing demos, and more